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ГлавнаяEnglishVHF communication: message markers

VHF communication: message markers

Message markers in VHF communication are specific words or phrases used to clarify the type and context of the message you’re sending or receiving.


  1. INSTRUCTION. This means that the sender, e.g. a VTS, must have the full authority to send such a message. The recipient has to follow this legally binding message unless s/he has contradictory safety reasons which then have to be reported to the sender.
  2. ADVICE. The decision whether to follow the advice still stays with the recipient. Advice does not necessarily have to be followed but should be considered very carefully.
  3. WARNING. This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to inform others about danger. Any recipient of a warning should pay immediate attention to the danger mentioned. Consequences of a warning will be up to the recipient.
  4. INFORMATION. This marker is preferably used for navigational and traffic information. Consequences of information will be up to the recipient.
  5. QUESTION. The use of this marker removes any doubt on whether a question is being asked or statement being made, especially when interrogatives such as What, Where, Why, Who, How are additionally used at the beginning of the question. The recipient is expected to return an answer.
  6. ANSWER. This indicates that the following message is the reply to a previous question. Note that an answer should not contain another question.
  7. REQUEST. The use of this marker is to signal: I want something to be arranged or provided, e.g. ship’s stores requirements, tugs, permission, etc. Request must not be used involving navigation, or to modify COLREGS.
  8. INTENTION. This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action intended to be taken.



  • message marker – маркер сообщения (слово-указатель характера сообщения)
  • clarify the type and context of the message – уточнить тип и контекст сообщения
  • have the full authority – иметь полномочия
  • legally binding message – юридически обязательное сообщение
  • contradictory safety reasons – противоречивые причины безопасности
  • report to the sender – сообщить отправителю
  • decision stays with the recipient – решение остается за получателем
  • follow the advice – следовать совету
  • consider something very carefully – рассмотреть (обдумать) что-то очень внимательно
  • imply the intention of the sender – подразумевать намерение отправителя
  • pay immediate attention to something – обратить немедленное внимание на что-то
  • consequences of a warning – последствия предупреждения
  • up to the recipient – на усмотрение получателя
  • navigational and traffic information – навигационная информация и информация о движении судов
  • remove any doubt – устранить любые сомнения
  • reply to a previous question – ответить на предыдущий вопрос
  • arrange, provide something – организовать, предоставить что-то
  • modify something – изменить что-то

Как не растеряться в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций и подать правильный сигнал бедствия? Как вести рутинные переговоры, понимать другую станцию на английском языке и не беспокоиться, что Вас поняли правильно?

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